Sunday 23 October 2011

Container gardening

 You know that I always fond on plants, right?

Well, other than trying to move those plants and grow them inside the house, I am also interested with recycled-container gardening. Well, I believe that I have a hoarder in me, a dark side that I am trying to suppress as much as possible. That side, has the tendency of reuse and recycle things, not wanting to throw out stuffs, no matter how bad the condition is. So... there I am.

So far, I'm still trying not to buy anything new for my garden, and if I buy, I try to limit the expenses and the frequency to once or twice a month. THAT is a big thing for a person with hoarding tendency like me. I'm learning to throw stuff too. It was difficult at first, but now... I believe I am getting better.


Previously, when I was still in Taiwan, owning a huge window and enough sun every morning, I used glass container (They were bottles for chicken essence and herbal medicine for women). Since I can't make any hole on the bottom, I used crystal gel to grow the plants, and I was satisfied with the result.

Now? I have expand my planting media to soil, which is more tricky. I like them though, since I can grow pretty much everything. The problem is, if I use soil on fully closed non-aerated glass container, it would cause problematic root growth. So... I am now using plastic container, which I can punch or burn holes by using simple tools.

Again, to prevent my hoarding personality resurface, I limit my project into 3-5 projects at once, depends on how big the project is. I am currently doing the mango and lemon semi-bonsai. Incoming, mung beans maybe? And still trying to make sure that my Longan grows nice. The soil is the biggest problem I am facing right now (other than the lack of sunlight).

Well... See you on the next posts when I update you on the results.


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