Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Impulsive wheel

So... unexpectedly, I bought I second hand spinning wheel.

I saw one posted in antiques category, and it seems that the wheel is still functioning well (as according to the seller). However, some parts of the wheel was missing and I think I have to get them from NZ or somewhere (hopefully I can get it locally in Oz).

It's as impulsive as I see, I ask around, and a few hours later, I bought it. I was going to let it sit to see if I really want it. But I guess, the thought of reviving the wheel back into life is exciting. I just felt that the wheel is such a beauty, that it shouldn't go wasted. I saw craftmanship behind the wheel, and the thought of having someone's hard work, in addition to art work, become nothing, is such a sad thing to see.

I haven't had the wheels in my hands yet. I am going to pick it up this saturday. However, I found that it is called Wendy - Pipy wheel, and it was produced by a wheel artisan called Phillip Poore from New Zealand. All these Ozzies and Kiwis are so proud of their wheels, so let me have my hands on it and play around too.

I'll update more when I get the stuff and work done.


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