Tinggal beberapa baris terakhir nih....
Berikut ini pola gambarnya:

Dan ingat, seperti biasa, seluruh baris GENAP adalah knit all stitches, kecuali di Yarn Over (YO) bertanda khusus.
Baris 27: yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k6, yo, yo, k6, yo, ssk, yo, ssk, yo, s2kp,
Baris 28: k11, kf&b (yo pertama), kf-b-f (yo kedua), k12
Note: Kf&b dan Kf-b-f bisa diganti dengan knit and purl.
Kf&b dari yo pertama selesai, di jarum kiri masih ada yo kedua |
YO kedua sudah diselesaikan dnegan kf-b-f, jadi 2 yo melebur menjadi 1 yo besar dengan kf-b-f-b-f |
Baris 30: knit all stitches
Crochet bind-off:
Berhubung pola asli tidak terlalu jelas, saya analisa dari gambar pola tersebut. Ternyata, pola memiliki 2 pilihan crochet bind off, yang saya sebut sebagai
(1) 5 Loop,
5 Loop edging |
dan (2) 6 Loop.
6 Loop edging |
Cara bind off serupa, hanya hitungan stitchnya yang berbeda. Silakan pilih salah satu, atau boleh juga gunakan cara bind off lain yang sesuai selera.
Berikut ini cara bind offnya:
1. Pindahkan 2 sts dari Jarum kanan (right needle/RN) ke jarum kiri (LN)
RN adalah jarum dengan st yang terakhir di knit (kalau pakai DPN). Berarti LN adalah jarum tempat memulai rajutan.
2. Dengan menggunakan hakpen, matikan (bind off) 3 sts pertama yang ada di LN.
3. ulang pola berikut sebanyak 8 kali:
Pola ulangan 5 loop:
ch 3 bo4, ch7 bo4, ch7 bo5, ch7 bo4, ch7 bo4, ch7 bo4, ch3 bo3.
(ch 3 = chain/buat rantai sebanyak # stitches, bo# = bind off # sts)
Pola ulangan 6 loop:
ch3 bo3, ch7 bo4, ch7 bo3, ch7 bo5, ch7 bo3, ch7 bo4, ch 7 bo 3, ch3 bo3
Video tutorial untuk bind off ada di sini:
4. Ch 3, lalu matikan stitch tersebut ke stitch bind off pertama.
5. Blok doily.
Tutorial blocking doily berbentuk lingkaran ada di sini:
And here is my finished and blocked black doily:
Red doily is still on my blocking mat... I will update soon :)
Now, as this is the end of the doily MKAL, I would like to update that the pattern was provided for free from this website: http://ryupie428.blog3.fc2.com/?no=727
and the pattern page link in ravelry is as following: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/-flower-mini-doily.
I personally thank the provider for making such a beautiful doily pattern.
At the same time, I would like to thank all the participants, and there's no greater happiness than looking at the finished doilies that you all made. Thank you for putting up with this and being patient enough to (distant) learning with me. You have successfully use my time for something much more useful than commenting bad things on my facebook timeline. I also hope that making you all busy with this project has made you stayed away from doing harm things in facebook :)))). I also thank you for all of the participants who had help each other... see, you can share you knowledge! So any of you can start KAL in the facebook group now :)
Thank you so much and looking forward for more beautiful projects from all of yous.
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