Sunday, 29 June 2014

Mysteriosa - surgery



Saturday, 28 June 2014

What has been done, be...

I am trying to "fix" my first spun yarn.

It's so overly twisted. I have felted it so i am not sure if i can still mend this yarn to slightly more normal. But... I dunno... 

We'll see...

Friday, 27 June 2014

New spindles!

Look what i found in my mailbox today!!!!

Two new spinningforth spindles!

After 2 (felt very long) weeks, it's finally here! 

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Twin purpleheart

Went to knit and spin for wwkip, and found that my friend is also using purpleheart bossie...

Mysteriosa - when oh when...

Oh my goodness, when am I going to finish this?


Saturday, 21 June 2014

Making a contest

I decided to donate small amount of money to make a contest in Indonesian knitters facebook group.

I'll update the post when I already posted the Contest :D

Thursday, 12 June 2014

my rav number

I finally try it in Rav!

So funny...

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Scorpion queen, the handspun project

I just got my bosworth Purpleheart spindle. So beautiful, light and strong at the same time. I tried to use it for my Scorpio World of Wool (Merino + Flax), and the result is quite nice. It looks much smoother with less flying fibers. Nevertheless, I'll try again later on my hilltop's spindle. I think I should be able to manage the fly byes by using different drafting method.

I love my purpleheart spindle.

And this is comparison between purpleheart and hilltop spindle

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Joining a KAL

newest Asa pattern... Mysteriosa. My first time playing with 2 colors.

Both are using Lots, the purple one is lotus forest dew, and the red burgundy is tibetan cloud.
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